Peace Of Mind Program: Renton Residents With Finished Roof and Updated Insulation

While our insulation technicians updated the attic space to provide Dennis and Dianna a more comfortable home, our professional roofing crew worked hard installing new Owens Corning Duration shingles. These gorgeous shingles are durable and low maintenance. They carry an impressive wind warranty and are rated top of their class by consumer reports. When it comes to protection, these shingles are second to none!
The couple also has a patio cover in the backyard. They were unable to use this space when it rained because of leaking. The roofing crew installed a new single-ply membrane on the patio cover. Ensuring the roof and back patio cover will be leak free for years.
As part of the project, our crew also installed a new roof on the shed in the backyard.
Our mission is to serve and care for our neighbors. It always inspires us to see neighbors caring for neighbors. Like we saw when an entire neighborhood banded together to get Dennis and Dianna a new roof and more.
Like many other projects, our team found ways to help eliminate a heavy burden from this couple's life. Our community program provided this deserving couple with the comfort and protection they needed to reclaim their peace of mind.
Shout out to all who helped make this project possible. And a special thank you to Dennis and Dianna for opening your home and life up to our team at Valentine Roofing!